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January 25, 2022

Cookie Compliance and Privacy Policy on Wix

Does Wix comply with cookie laws? What to do on your Wix site to comply with the privacy policy. Find out here!

Is Wix compliant with the cookie laws?

Yes, Wix is compliant with the cookie laws, but that does not cover you. You and Wix are two separate companies, therefore Wix’ compliance doesn’t mean your compliance.

Keep reading to learn how to make your Wix website compliant with the cookie laws.

Is my Wix website compliant with the cookie laws?

Your Wix website is not compliant with the cookie laws unless you make it compliant. You need to meet the requirements prescribed in the applicable cookie and/or data protection laws.

GDPR, ePrivacy Directive, LGPD, and other data protection laws which prescribe rules about cookies and tracking technologies require a proactive approach by businesses. You have to comply from day one, or you’ll face penalties.

What do EU cookie laws require from websites?

The EU cookie laws — GDPR and ePrivacy Directive — require websites to restrain from the use of cookies before the user consents to them. In addition, they require total transparency from businesses about their data privacy practices.

This means that, at minimum, a Wix website should have a privacy policy and a cookie banner for obtaining consent from users.

What is a GDPR-compliant Wix website privacy policy?

A Wix privacy policy will be compliant with the cookie laws if it contains the essential elements prescribed by the applicable laws. Learn how to add a Privacy Policy button on a website.

GDPR, ePrivacy, and other laws require a privacy policy for the sake of transparency. That’s why they prescribe the minimum elements that each privacy policy should contain.

EU cookie laws require the following elements:

  • The categories of personal data you collect
  • Why you collect the data
  • How you collect the data
  • With whom you share data and why
  • Data subject rights and how to exercise them
  • Data transfer information (Privacy Shield 2.0)
  • Data retention information
  • Information about the Data Protection Officer, if any
  • Information on children’s information, if applicable
  • Changes to the privacy policy
  • Your contact information

This information is enough for compliance.

You can read more on WordPress Priivacy Policy.

What are the EU cookie laws requirements? 

Wix cookie compliance with EU cookie laws requires a cookie banner for obtaining users’ consent and storing their responses.

However, not every consent is a valid one.

The consent must be:

  • Freely given
  • Informed
  • Specific
  • Unambiguous
  • Easily withdrawn

Your cookie banner has to inform users about the possible use of cookies, allow them to accept or reject the use of cookies, request specific consent for each processing purpose, and document the consent for proving compliance with the relevant laws.

Read our blog to get a simplified breakdown of the latest EDPB Cookie Consent Guidelines.

What is a CalOPPA/CCPA-compliant Wix website privacy policy?

CalOPPA requires every business that interacts with California users to have a privacy policy that contains at least:

  • What you collect and process
  • With whom you share the personal information
  • How you notify consumers about changes in the privacy policy
  • The effective date of the privacy policy
  • How you respond to “Do Not Track Signals”
  • Whether other parties may collect personal information about an individual all over the internet.

CCPA does not apply to every business, but if it does apply to you, then your privacy policy must contain:

  • Information on consumer rights
  • The methods designated for submitting consumer requests and consumer verification methods
  • What you have collected about consumers in the preceding 12 months, as well as categories of sources of information
  • Detailed information if your business discloses (shares) personal information with third parties or sells personal information
  • If you process the personal information of more than 10 Million consumers, the metrics about the received and answered consumer requests
  • Information on the sales of personal information of consumers under 16 years of age, if any
  • Your contact information
  • Date of the last update of the policy

See more on the requiresments for CCPA Privacy Policy.

What are the CCPA cookie requirements?

CalOPPA and CCPA have no requirements regarding the use of cookies. You don’t need to obtain users’ consent to use them.

However, if the CCPA applies to you, then you need to let users opt-out of the sales of data.

What is an LGPD-compliant Wix website privacy policy?

Businesses with Wix websites that need to comply with the Brazilian LGPD need to publish a privacy policy on their websites. The privacy policy needs to have the following elements:

  • Identity of the data controller, i.e. the business
  • Why data is being collected and processed
  • With whom the data is shared
  • Responsibilities of the agents that will carry out the processing
  • The data subject’s rights
  • Type and duration of the data processing

This is just the minimum necessary information. You can add more information for better transparency if you wish so.

What are the LGPD cookie requirements?

LGPD requires businesses to obtain explicit user consent before the use of cookies. This means that your Wix cookie compliance kit includes a cookie banner for requesting users’ consent. See Latest LGPD Updates.

The consent needs to be:

  • Given in writing (this includes electronically, such as clicking the ACCEPT COOKIES button)
  • Freely given
  • Specific
  • Informed
  • Unambiguous
  • Easily withdrawn

Why do I need to store users’ consent?

Storing users’ consent is essential for Wix cookie compliance for two main reasons:

  • A user may submit a data subject request. If asked about their consent, you’ll need to prove that you have asked for the consent and you have obtained it lawfully.
  • The data protection authority may inspect your records. You want to avoid fines and other penalties, so it is best to have your records set in order if the enforcement agency knocks on your door.

How do WordPress v. Wix cookie compliance differ?

There is no difference between Wix and WordPress cookie compliance requirements. The requirements pertain to the business itself, not the platform where the website is built.

How to make my Wix website compliant with the cookie laws?

As mentioned before, your Wix website needs at least a cookie banner and a privacy policy.

Secure Privacy provides customers with a privacy policy generator that generates a privacy policy automatically based on your input. The generator asks a few questions about the business and then creates a privacy policy adequate to your privacy practices.

We also provide a cookie banner for compliance with any data protection law. The rules prescribed in legal documents are embedded in the cookie solution, so when you choose compliance with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, or another law, the cookie solution adjusts accordingly to ensure your compliance.